
Why this Kicks Ass!

WHY the Perfect Persuader’s “Unique Surprise Engagement Factor” Kicks Ass Over Written Brochures and Videos on Your Website!


A Brief Product Description

The Perfect Persuader is an automated (offline) video presentation system in the form of a custom branded video brochure, in a hard-bound book or folder that:


*SURPRISES & DELIGHTS PROSPECTS and Techs by automatically playing your message, the second the customer opens it.
(*See the science of dopamine & delight in #3 below.)

The system does NOT require an internet connection, a computer or smart phone. AND because the video starts automatically … it does not require anyone to turn it on for your customer.


It includes a state-of-the-art, built-in micro-thin LCD video screen, hard drive, speakers, and controls – and runs on a rechargeable battery. (Recharging is done through a USB cable.)  VIEW THE FULL REPORT

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