

Consistently make more high-margin residential upsells

Guaranteeing ALL Your Techs Make a Perfect Presentation, EVERY TIME!

Engaging and Educating Your Prospects With a Compelling Reason to Buy TODAY!

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Consistently make more high-margin residential upsells

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Video to the Persuader

Guaranteeing ALL Your Techs Make a Perfect Presentation, EVERYTIME!

Engaging and Educating Your Prospects With a Compelling Reason to Buy TODAY!


HVAC Contractors

That want the perfect upsell presentation and delivery made on every in-home visit.

HVAC Rep Agencies

Who want a consistent polished product presentation made 1,000’s of times every month.

HVAC Manufacturers

That want a reliable and inexpensive way to dominate any market, or test a new idea.

"When you have great products & services, NOTHING IS MORE FRUSTRATING then failing to consistently engage & educate your prospects with the right - buy NOW message!"

Are You Dealing with These PROBLEMS?

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Your up-sell closing rate is BAD! And its not improving month to month.

Leads are expensive! You feel like you're wasting profitable opportunities.

Your techs are NOT consistently making presentations to every home owner.

Every presentation is different. Because each tech does it their own way.

Your current sales materials ARE NOT creating a strong "Buying Motive" for customers to buy today.

You're struggling to get your techs motivated and trained to be great sales people.

Tech turnover, makes it harder and harder to find Techs who want to sell.

Hear from HVAC Companies currently using the HVAC Perfect Persuader

Watch this Video to See How Rob Ambrosetti's client increased his close rates 10% to 50%!​

With this video brochure, Rob Ambrosetti from KGG Consulting solved a major problem – how to get HVAC engineers and contractors to successfully sell Indoor Air Quality Solutions.


This one tool took the technicians from a 10% close rate to a 50% close rate. “It’s phenomenal!” says Rob. It’s kept HVAC engineers, busy, increased sales for the distributors, and led the manufacturers to hire new employees. Great news for everyone! This solution would work as a perfect sales tool for any service engineer, not just HVAC.


The Perfect Persuader Gets You More Sales

BEFORE: We feel like we’re leaving money on the table – we are NOT making enough up-sells.

AFTER: Our Perfect Persuader case studies show long-term sales increases of 300%-500%.

BEFORE: Many Techs do NOT believe their job is selling, its fixing things and explaining why.

AFTER: Perfect Persuader does the selling for them, so all the Tech has to do – is answer questions.

BEFORE: Techs don’t have the confidence, motivation, or training to sell effectively – everyday.

AFTER: Perfect Persuader makes the presentation for them, automatically doing 90% of the work.

BEFORE: Techs do not consistently make quality presentations.

AFTER: The Perfect Persuader is automated, it never forgets to say the right thing, never gets tired, and never gets frustrated or distracted by traffic jams on the job, or family issues at home.

BEFORE: Customers get distracted when we send them online to our website to watch videos.

AFTER: The Perfect Persuader does NOT require an internet connection or any equipment. 

The presentation automatically begins the second your prospect opens the video book. Prospects feel like they are getting a personalized 1 on 1 education about your solutions, so when the tech talks with them – they are positioned as an educator, instead of a salesman.

2 Easy Ways to Get Started and Receive Your FREE PERFECT PERSUADER!

Get Instant Access to Case Studies, Reports & Videos on What's Working Now!

We will be in contact to schedule your 1-on-1 Call with Devin to get Your FREE Perfect Persuader in your hands!

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Get On Devin's Calendar Now to Get Your Free Perfect Persuader & Insider Strategies!

Time is our most important resource, so be ready to discuss your business goals and Devin will provide invaluable insight!

Then BOOM! get a Perfect Persuader Video Brochure into your hands so you can experience the power yourself.